Nomination Paper must contain signatures from at least 5 electors eligible to vote. Nominators must live within the division in which the Councillor candidate is running.
Read all required sections of the Local Authorities Election Act needed to complete the Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance (Form 4).
Appoint an Official Agent on the nomination form, if desired.
Sign the Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance (Form 4) in front of a Commissioner for Oaths if it will be filed by someone other than the candidate, or in front of the Returning Officer if filed at the County office.
Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance Forms will be accepted at the County of Newell office during regular office hours beginning January 2, 2025 until 12:00 noon on September 22, 2025.
When filing Nomination Papers, candidates will also be required to submit Candidate Information (Form 5), which confirms locations where candidate records are maintained, as well as the names and addresses of financial institutions where campaign contributions will be deposited, along with the name of signing authorities for the depository accounts.
Complete and return the Release of Candidate Information (Form CN02) when submitting your Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance Form.
Candidates and Official Agents that will require access to residences in a building containing two or more residences or to each residence in a mobile home park will need to submit the Enumerator, Candidate or Official Agent Proof of Identification for Section 52 Access (Form 11) to the Returning Officer for signature to meet these identification requirements.
A Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement (Form 26) must be provided to the municipality by March 1, 2026 and must be completed by ALL candidates.