Notices that an application has been submitted for a Subdivision Application are sent to adjacent landowners, referral agencies listed, adjacent municipalities (where applicable) and County departments.
These notifications must occur at least 7 days prior to the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) meeting where the application will be heard. Again, 5 days are allowed for the notice to reach the person(s) being notified, 2 days for them to read the notice and 5 days to provide a response. Anyone objection to the development must provide the objection in writing to the Planning and Development department prior to the MPC meeting where the application will be reviewed.
Notice that a decision has been reached about a Subdivision Application is sent only to the applicant.
None of the adjacent landowners or referral agencies are notified because they do not have the right of appeal.
The applicant may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB). The appeal must be made in writing, with the applicable fee, to the Planning and Development department within 14 days of the date the decision was made by MPC.