Making Payments
We provide several options for you to pay your bill:
1. Online banking or telephone banking at most registered banks or Credit Unions across Canada (see below for more instructions)
Need assistance paying a bill online through your financial institution? See below for more instructions.
2. Online via Interac e-Transfer: Set up a County of Newell payee using as the e-mail address. When paying your bills, please fill out the comment field with any related information so that we know which account to apply the payment to. This can include:
- Tax Roll Number (for tax payments)
- Utility Account Number (for utility payments)
- Invoice Number (for accounts receivable invoices)
- Permit Number (for Development permits)
- Camping Fees (use as the e-mail address)
You will not be required to provide a password for the e-Transfer - funds will be automatically deposited to the County's account.
NOTE: If your bank requires a password for you to send an e-Transfer, we will not be able to accept it and you will have to choose another payment method.
3. Online with a credit card using OptionPay.
NOTE: OptionPay collects a Load Fee for processing the credit card transactions. The fee does not go to the County of Newell.
The County of Newell is now accepting payment with select credit cards through the OptionPay System. This can be done online, over the phone, or at the County Office. OptionPay is a payment card system with a tiered fee schedule with a minimum fee of $2.00 per transaction. All transaction fees will be included in your transaction and you will have the option to approve or discontinue your transaction. The service fee is charged to the cardholder to cover the cost of paying by credit card. The County of Newell receives no income or profit from these service fees. More information can be found on the OptionPay website.
Click to view the > OptionPay How To Guide
Click to view the > Tiered Rate Table
Click the logo below to use OptionPay for your credit card transaction.
4. Via mail by Cheque or Money Order (please don't send cash through the mail).
5. In person with a cheque via the drop slot in our receiving entrance door. Receipts are available upon request.
6. In person at the counter. We accept cash, cheques, Interac, and credit cards via OptionPay.
Should you require a receipt, please note this on your payment remittance.