
Municipal Enforcement

The Municipal Enforcement Department conducts regular patrols of Paved Highways and Gravel Roads, including those of three digit Provincial Highways, as authorized by the Solicitor Generals Office. Education and enforcement of County Bylaws and Provincial Legislation such as the Traffic Act, Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act are just a few of the Provincial Legislation used in the Municipal Enforcement department operations.

Currently, the County employs one Municipal Enforcement Supervisor and one Municipal Enforcement Officer. The officers are designated as Community Peace Officers. Each runs a patrol unit, effective for double shift initiatives or overlapping split shifts.

Education is the primary objective of this department; however where repeat offenders or severity warrants enforcement will take place.

Another key focus of the Municipal Enforcement Officers is traffic safety and preventing damage to the County road infrastructure. The Municipal Enforcement Officers are responsible for:

  • Protecting County road infrastructure
  • Enforcing traffic infractions on County roads
  • Coordinating with the Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Operations Centre
  • Providing information on legislation and County bylaws to industry, as well as the general public
  • Inspecting properties for the County of Newell Planning & Development Department
  • Providing assistance to the RCMP, Sheriff and Conservation Officer's, and Fish & Wildlife

The department also responds for Animal Control Services. For more information in regards to our Animal Control Bylaw please click here.

To report a problem, email enforcement@newellmail.ca.

Assisting Emergency Services

Electronic Speed Signs

Municipal Partnerships

Official Website of the County of Newell

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