Water & Sewer services are provided by the County of Newell in Lake Newell Resort, Patricia, Rainier (water service only), Rolling Hills, Tilley, and Scandia. Also available in each Hamlet, excepting Lake Newell Resort, are bulk water fill stations for anyone not receiving water through County of Newell Infrastructures.
In addition to water services within Hamlets, County Council agreed to pursue delivery of domestic water to rural residences. This program was named the County of Newell Water Project (CNWP). Rural Water Distribution is an exciting new concept relative to improving the quality of life to residents, conveyed through a trickle system seeing the delivery of 300 gallons of potable water per day.
To operate the County of Newell Water and Sewer systems effectively, the County retained the professional services of Newell Regional Services Corporation (NRSC) to manage water distribution, sewer collection, and treatment infrastructures.
For more information, please visit the NRSC website at www.nrsc.ca.