Drainage & Culverts

Roadside Drainage Maintenance
Municipal Services is responsible for maintaining roadside drainage, including road approach and centerline culverts. This work typically involves:
- Re-establishing ditch bottoms by removing silt and overgrown vegetation.
- Replacing aged or failed culverts to ensure proper water flow and prevent drainage issues.
These efforts help maintain effective water management along roadways, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion.
Culvert Installation, Repair, and Replacement
Municipal Services is responsible for installing, repairing, and replacing over 600 centerline and road approach culverts under 1500 mm in size.
- New road approach culverts are the responsibility of the applicant, and materials must be sourced from local vendors. The County does not sell or supply culverts.
- Repairs and replacements are funded through the County’s annual operating budget.
These efforts ensure proper drainage and maintain the integrity of the road network.