
Land Use Bylaw Amendments

After 1st Reading has been provided for the Bylaw Amendment, notices that an application has been submitted for a Land Use Amendment are sent to adjacent landowners, referral agencies, adjacent municipalities (where applicable) and County departments.

A Land Use Bylaw amendment must follow the bylaw amendment process outlined in the Municipal Government Act. After the amendment bylaw and supporting documentation is prepared, a Public Hearing is scheduled for Council to hear comments from the notices and circulations.

The Public Hearing must be advertised in the newspaper for 2 consecutive weeks prior to the meeting. It will also be advertised on the County website.

Public Hearings are open to the public. They are usually held at the first Council meeting of the month at 11:30 am. Once the Hearing is concluded, a motion may be made to provide 2nd Reading for the bylaw amendment. If approved, it moves on; if defeated, it’s done. Or, Council may request more information about the bylaw, so that it will be reviewed again at the next Council meeting.

The bylaw may also be given 3rd Reading at the same meeting. Conversely, Council may request more information or an amendment, whereby the document will be reviewed for 3rd Reading at the next Council meeting.

Once the amendment bylaw has been given 3rd Reading, it becomes part of the current Land Use Bylaw.
Notice that a decision has been reached about a Land Use Amendment is sent only to the applicant and the adjacent municipality, if applicable.

The decision of Council regarding the approval or refusal of the Land Use Bylaw amendment may not be appealed by anyone.

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