
Water Erosion

Erosion is a natural process that often is enhanced by farming activities that leave the soil surface bare and susceptible to the forces of water. Erosion moves topsoil, reduces both the level of soil organic matter and available crop nutrients, and contributes to the breakdown of soil structure. 

Although water erosion is a problem across the province it has received much less attention than wind erosion as it not as visually impressive. Overtime, physical changes are apparent in the forms of eroded gullies and flooding. 

Factors and farming practices that tend to lead to water erosion are: 

  • Cultivation of water courses
  • Cultivation of steep slopes 
  • Summer fallowing fields when it not necessary for conservation of soil moisture 
  • Cultivation of fields slopes up and down, instead of with the contour. 
  • Burying crop residue 

Control options for reducing water erosion are: 

  • Conservation tillage techniques
  • Reduced summer fallow 
  • Proper crop rotation 
  • Grass covered water courses 

Agri Facts: Grassed Waterway Construction

Click the link below for more information on water erosion: 

Water Erosion Control

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