
Land Use Amendment Process

  1. Download or Pickup Application: Applicants are encouraged to download or pick up a copy of the appropriate application form and review it to ensure they understand all the information that will be required to submit an application.
  2. Fill Out Application: Once you have reviewed the Land Use Bylaw and verified the need for a Land Use Amendment, fill out the application form with as much information as possible.
  3. Pre-Application Meeting: We understand that some applicants may not be familiar with the process or terminology being used and we are always available to assist in completing your application. If you require assistance, please book an appointment by contacting the Planning and Development Department.
  4. Application Submitted: The application is submitted with the necessary forms, fees and supporting information which varies depending on the project. Once all required information has been received the application will be deemed complete.
  5. Council Considers First Reading: A package will be prepared and placed on the next available Council agenda. The Land Use Amendment will be presented to Council and they will give first reading to the bylaw amendment.
  6. Advertisement: The proposed amendment is circulated to adjacent landowners, referral agencies, and other parties with interest to the title, and advertised publicly. Notice is given for a public hearing, where Council invites the public to share any concerns they may have with the proposal during a public hearing.
  7. Public Hearing: The public hearing takes place during a regular meeting of Council, where Council hears any concerns from the public.

The below flow chart outlines the typical process.


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