#myCountyofNewell Photo Challenge
Welcome to the new #myCountyofNewell Photo Challenge! It’s a lot like the old photo challenge, but now you can submit those photos all year long!
Every month will have a theme, but don’t worry, if your photo doesn’t fit within the theme, we still want to see it!
All photos must be submitted through the Newell Connect app (download it from your app store) or directly through the website! First of all, what is Newell Connect? Find out more here > NEWELL CONNECT
Now for the fun stuff. Every month, you can either check our social media for the most current theme or download the Newell Notify app (sponsored by Everbridge) and subscribe to #myCountyofNewell Photo Challenge to receive alerts. Then all you have to do is snap pictures and upload them into the #myCountyofNewell category on Newell Connect. Again, you can do that from your phone with the Newell Connect app, or visit our website and submit from the Newell Connect page > NEWELL CONNECT
Every month a photo favourite will be selected and displayed on our social media and website. We love to showcase what County residents are up to! Don’t forget to vote for your favourites and vote as many times as you like.
The rules are simple:
- All photos submitted must be taken within the County of Newell.
- The photos with the most ‘likes’ that month will get a special shout out on our socials and featured here, on this page.
- By submitting photos you are giving the County of Newell permission to use them in County print documents, social media, and on the website. Full credit to you will be given in each instance.
Click for instructions on how to vote.
Troubleshooting tips for submitting a photo:
- If you select your Photo location within the City of Brooks, Town of Bassano, Villages of Duchess or Rosemary or Dinosaur Park boundaries the #myCountyofNewell option will not appear. Move the location marker to the closest spot outside of these boundaries and the option will then be available. All photos taken within these areas are still eligible for the contest.
- If the size of the photo is too large you will not be able to submit your request.