Shelterbelts help reduce the speed of wind which in result reduces wind erosion. There are both farmstead shelterbelts and field shelterbelts.
Field shelterbelts should not be considered as an alternative to good residue management, but as a complement. Field shelterbelts are a part of a conservation management system that will help protect the quality of the soils.
Due to the closure of the Indian Head shelterbelt center, shelterbelt trees are no longer available for free to producers. However, the Ag Service Department will help producers plan, organize, order and plant shelterbelts. This program will work in cooperation with the Eastern Irrigation District's Partners in Habitat Development Program (PHD). Both programs will receive the above services free of charge. Only trees that are ordered through the Shelterbelt program via the nursery chosen by the Agricultural Services Department and PHD will be included in this program. No other trees will be planted, ordered, or supplied by the Ag Service Department. Only applicants that are planting a shelterbelt that fits within the PHD guidelines or used to limit soil erosion, and/or protect livestock will be eligible to receive help planting. Community projects will be evaluated and approved on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Ag Services. Producers will be responsible for the cost of the tree seedlings and shipping.
For more information on the Eastern Irrigation District, Shelterbelt program visit or call 403-362-1400.
For more information on farmstead shelterbelts and field shelterbelts check out the links below:
Agri Facts: Shelterbelts in Alberta
Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta
To Order Trees, visit