
Do I require a Business License?

Approval is required to operate a business in the County of Newell, however, our approvals are called Development Permits, not business licenses.

A Home Based Business Permit is required if you are operating a business out of your home and/or accessory building. There are different types of Home Based Business Permit based on the intensity of the operation. Home Occupation permits are issued to the owner/applicant of the parcel and that specific business. These permits are not transferable to a different owner/applicant or a different parcel of land. The owner/applicant must reside on the parcel where the Home Occupation business will be operating.

A Development Permit is required for the operation of a business on a non-residential parcel of land that is being used for business purposes. A Development Permit is transferable where the use remains unchanged and is affected only by a change of ownership, tenancy or occupancy. However, where any use has been discontinued for a period of 12 months or more, the Development Permit is no longer valid. Any change of use on a parcel requires a new Development Permit.  

In either case, if there is any intensification of the business, please contact the Planning and Development Department to confirm that your permit will cover the uses under which it was issued.

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